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The 2023-24 REDIP intake was open from July 4, 2023 to October 30, 2023. Applications were accepted until October 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM PST.
The 2024-25 REDIP intake will run from July – October 2024.
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Program Details
The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) is a grant launched by the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation (JEDI), with a funding allocation of $33M per year from fiscal year 2022-23 through to fiscal year 2024-25. REDIP supports projects that promote the following:
- Economic diversification
- Resilience
- Clean growth opportunities
- Infrastructure development
For full program details, including funding categories, eligibility, project types and timelines, please refer to the REDIP Program Guide.

Funding Categories and Eligibility
REDIP has three unique funding categories. Each category targets different project types and communities:
1. Economic Capacity (REDIP-EC)
Helping communities build their internal capacity for economic development.
Eligible Project Location
- Small rural communities with populations of less than 2,500
- Indigenous communities and organizations
Percentage of Project Costs
Maximum Funding Per Applicant
2. Economic Diversification (REDIP-ED)
Funding projects that promote economic diversification and development.
Eligible Project Location
- Small rural communities with populations of less than 25,000
- Indigenous communities and organizations
Percentage of Project Costs
Maximum Funding Per Applicant
- Development projects: $100,000
- Implementation projects:$1 Million
3. Forest Impact Transition (REDIP-FIT)
Supporting economic recovery and transition in communities affected by changes in the forest sector.
Eligible Project Location
- Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities located outside of Metro Vancouver and the Capital Regional District experiencing or anticipating impacts by changes in the forest sector, including old growth deferrals
Percentage of Project Costs
Maximum Funding Per Applicant
Eligible Applicants
Eligible lead applicants for all three funding categories (REDIP-ED, REDIP-EC, REDIP-FIT) include:
- Local Governments